noorderhoofd | westkappelle
The small lighthouse is located in the middle of the Westkappelse Zeedijk. The lighthouse was made by iron foundry Nering Bögel in Deventer. Together with the high tower, the beacon forms a light line to the Oostgat. The tower was originally reddish-brown, but a white band was added in 1959 to increase visibility in daylight.

Price depends on the size. High-quality print of the photo, without passepartou and frame.

see-through church | borgloon
The see-through church is located in the Hesbaye hills south of Borgloon, between the town and the Roman Cobblestone, and can be regarded as landscape art. The church is made up of horizontal corten steel plates, connected by welded square plates. The little church is placed on a concrete foundation in the sloping landscape of Loon. The shape refers to the archetype of the Western European Church.

Price depends on the size. High-quality print of the photo, without passepartou and frame.

lighthouse | scheveningen
The Scheveningen Lighthouse was designed by Quirinus Harder and was completed in 1875. The red twelve-sided cast iron tower is 30 meters high. The tower has the status of a national monument and consists of 8 floors and a staircase with 159 steps. The lighthouse is located at the end of the boulevard close to the Scheveningen harbor and fish auction. The tower belongs to the municipality of The Hague.

Price depends on the size. High-quality print of the photo, without passepartou and frame.